

Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30am-12:45pm ET


Dylan Wilson

Office Hours

Tuesday 1-2pm, Wednesday 4-5pm

Welcome! The purpose of this course is to begin exploring topology, which is the qualitative study of shapes. We will also be honing our skills as clear expositors, both in writing and speaking, through the homeworks and problem presentations. I think it's gonna be fun, and I hope you enjoy it!
Topics and Timeline
We will be learning about point-set topology with an eye towards connections to geometry and algebraic topology. In particular, there will be an emphasis on (topological) manifolds and well-behaved spaces. The textbook we will use is Lee's Introduction to Topological Manifolds, 2ed. The second edition is quite a bit different than the first, so make sure you get the right one.

Here is an expected timeline, subject to change as we go along if needed:
Week 1
Week 2 (Homework 1, tex)
Sets and metric spaces. Appendix A and B.
Week 3 (Homework 2, tex)
Topological spaces. Chapter 2.
Weeks 4-5 (Homework 3 [tex], Homework 4 [tex])
Building new spaces from old. Chapter 3.
Weeks 6-8 (Homework 5 [tex], Homework 6 [tex], Homework 7 [tex])
Connectedness and compactness. Chapter 4.
Week 9 (Homework 8, tex)
Cell complexes and surfaces. Chapters 5 and 6.
Week 10-11 (Homework 9 [tex], Homework 10 [tex])
Fundamental group. Chapters 7 and 9, Appendix C, and the Category Primer [tex].
Week 12 (Homework 11, tex)
Fundamental group of the circle. Chapter 8.
Weeks 13-14 (Homework 12 [tex], Homework 13 [tex])
Van Kampen Theorem. Chapter 10 and these nice notes
Weeks 15 (Homework 14, tex)
Week 16
Practice for entrance exams using these problems.
Format and Structure
Classes will be standard lecture format; they will be most fruitful if you skim the reading before class, and maybe work through some of the in-chapter exercises. Homework is due on Friday and returned Monday. Earlier in the week (to be scheduled during first class) you will sign up for slots to present a problem or two during office hours.
Assignments and Grading

The goal of this grading schema is for you to be able to spend as little time as possible worrying about grades, and as much time as possible learning. If you start to become worried about your grade, just talk to me about what's going on and we'll figure it out.

50%: Homework
Homework will be assigned at most weekly. It is graded on a reasonable attempt basis, not on correctness. Clearly explain your attempt. You may be asked to hand in a problem again if it seems like it would be helpful to do so.
10%: Attendance
Simply arrive.
20%: Problem presentations
Show up and walk me through what you've thought about and you're good!
20%: Final project
A write-up of notes on a topic of interest. More information will be given later.
I have attempted to devise policies that minimize the use of email. So please read carefully and try to see if one of the below protocols applies before sending emails.


If you arrive late please stay for a little after class to discuss anything missed. If you know you will be absent in the future, attend office hours ahead of time and get marked present. If you have an absence, attend office hours within a week of the missed class and get marked present. If you have unresolved absences or if there is some issue not covered here, sign up for a meeting through Calendly.


Fine and encouraged but please give credit where credit is due. Remember that homework is graded solely on a reasonable attempt basis, so no need to reach too hard for outside resources and help. Try exploring what you can on your own, when possible and supportive.

Late Work

Show up at next office hours or stay after class to discuss.